Commercial Pilot Rating

Building was put on hold for a couple of months to finish up my commercial rating. I’m happy to say I added another endorsement to my license over the break! It went down to the wire with weather, schedules, and rental plane maintenance squawks, but it did happen. Now that it is off my plate, I’m refocusing on the build with my free time.

The mindless task of deburring and dimpling goes pretty quickly, but it isn’t the most exciting task. Someone told me starting out that 90% of the time is spent prepping for riveting while the last 10% is actually riveting. It’s true. Here I’ve gotten the bottom skin ready and clecoed to the frames. I’ve also decided to stick with keeping the blue film on for protection of the skins. It adds a bit of time to prep, but it’s worth it and doesn’t really take too much extra effort.
